How we generated $200K in Revenue for an Ecommerce Brand with 9X Returns

Goal 🎯

To generate sales on the website using FB ads Profitably

Budget 💰

18 Lakhs over a period of months 8 Months

Strategy 🔎

We made custom product Bundles & Offered them as a package. This had a direct impact on The Basket Size and hence the ROAS. After running cold audience campaigns we collected an immense amount of data that was used for retargeting campaigns, which provided a ROAS of over 20X. After testing Multiple creatives & ad sets we found the winners & scaled them up, which generated us revenue of over 1.7 CR dollars

Result ⛑

Generated sales worth 1.7 CR Dollars and got an amazing ROAS of over 900 %, which is way over Industry Average!

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